Oct 17., 2022

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! #

I am Balázs, a young software engineer from Hungary, with way more experience in the field than I would like to admit.

I love to learn new things and create everything that comes to mind, so expect articles covering a wide range of topics, including web development, infrastructure design, or even a bit of game development with OpenGL - although I may focus on certain, fairly low-level topics.

I was fortunate enough to work on many different projects in a wide range of areas. I had the opportunity to learn from the best of their fields; and I would like to share this knowledge with you all.

I am planning on writing at least two posts per month - although my schedule may be a bit hectic at first, as I try to manage my life around writing, coding and having some kind of personal life as well.

In the meantime, have a nice day, thank you for reading! 👋